Cyber Resilience

Strengthen Your Defences: Introducing Cyber Resilience as a Service (CRaaS)

What is Cyber Resilience-as-a-Service?

Cyber resilience extends cyber security to include an organisation’s ability to not only protect themselves from a cyber-attack, but to detect and recover from such an incident. The underlying principle is to accept that a cyber incident will occur, and putting the measures in place across technology, people, and process to minimise the impact and recover.

Most organisations do not have the expertise or resource available to build a full IT security practice in house. Outbound has put together a variety of Cyber Resilience as a Service packages to fill these skills and resource gaps, without the overhead costs to your organisation and at a predictable per user per month price. Our packages are able to cover cloud, on-premise and hybrid environments, will add a 24x7x365 security operations centre to your team and can be tailored as required.

Cyber resilience is a broader approach that includes cyber security as a fundamental component but extends to organisational preparedness, response, and recovery.

“71% of CISOs quit their jobs due to stress.”

June 2023 Report by Heidrick & Struggles confirms the burden of Cyber Threats on modern day Executives.
A CRaaS model will lessen the burden that organisations face, due to insufficient staff, the speed of business change, and budget.

Our approach to Cyber Resilience

While most organisations these days are aware of cybersecurity frameworks such as Cyber Essentials, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), International Organization for Standardisation (ISO), Service Organization Control (SOC) etc., Outbound builds cyber security best practices into all that we do and focus on helping our clients to achieve Cyber Resilience.

Cyber security frameworks provide a common language and set of standards from which organisations can understand their security posture and risks. A common theme across all of these frameworks is the principle that all businesses will be compromised by a cyber security attack at some point and therefore must be able to identify, protect, detect, respond and recover from a cyber-attack. This is known as Cyber Resilience.


Understand the cybersecurity risks you face with your systems


Work out how you can prevent or limit the impact of potential threats


Ensure you have the means to identify a cyber incident.



Know in advance what actions you will take when responding to a cyber-attack


Know how you will restore service and prevent a future repetition

Cyber Resilience Guide

Download our short Guide to Cyber Resilience.

Build a pathway to technical excellence

Get a 30-minute, no-cost strategy session with an Outbound Cyber Resilience expert

No cost and no obligation. All these services give your business the dedicated cyber resilience expert resources it needs. We have a strong record of helping our customers achieve Cyber Resilience. We can help you recover mission-critical workloads from cyber incidents in a fast and scalable manner.

Utilising our experience across multiple industries, geographies, and companies of all sizes, we simplify cybersecurity frameworks and develop continual improvement plans uniquely tailored to our customers’ needs.